Thursday, 21 October 2010

Happy Annyversary, Underneath Stardoll!

Is it been that long?...
yes it is.Believe it or not
 Underneath Stardoll is closing its first year..

Lets Remember how it all Started:

Starting a blog was the easiest decision. Make it popular didn't actually took us a lot of time but we worked hard to make it happen. We always wanted to make a blog. We were always reading other blogs and we just new that it was time for us to do it. We found the classic spoilers, how to find free, what times they usually come out etc etc
And we made a program with all these info.

On 19th of October 2009 
while we were having a conversation on MSN we said "let's open it today"!!
The blog was created. We wanted the name to be easy but also represent what we do. All this spoiler pages made us think that we are short of working behind,under,below..... Stardoll.
Stardoll Revealed,exposed, under, below  and other names came to our mind but when we tried them on blogger they weren't available. We wanted a name easy to remember. 
Two Words and that's all.
Then we tried the one that we thought was the best in our minds 
"Underneath Stardoll"
..and was available....a beautiful journey was about to begin...

We made our first post called "Just Arrived"...short of Gossip girl type(...that's where the xoxo came from)
On the very first day we made "Our First Spoilers" which were the Amy Diamond ones that were not released in post of the first day was about a new doll.

The blog created it's audience within ONE month thanx to the Underneath Starplaza Segment.

On November 19th 2009,one month later, we already had 200 Followers....that was fast i know...
The followers and visitors were rising so fast that we couldn't believe it.

After lots of Segments, lots of changes and much more grown than last year here we are still here with almost 4000 Followers and almost 20000 Club members on the club UnderneathSD.....and many many more visitors out there daily.... 

 We can all agree that USD managed something was definetely the fastest growing blog ever  and all this thanks to you.We had fun with you, we had competitions and so so so many things.


And we promise you more will come...starting soon...

As for one year...well we have something preparing in mind...soon you will learn about it...
oops can't say more....

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